Thursday, August 12, 2010

Significant Others.....

He's on vacation.....
Wants to go and do anything and everything that's outside, in Extreme Heat and here where I live 
very High Humidity. 
How about  staying in and Scrap Booking with me, Honey?
Huh, fat chance...he has made me some cards though, of which I will show you soon.

Fishing...I really do like to, but he thinks it needs to be an all day "adventure"
 I refuse every time now, "Get a Boat with a Potty", I say, 
"Whats wrong with hanging over the side", he says.
Um mm...
"Imagination at Work here" 
Snakes, picture this...... biting my Tushy,
I actually have more pictures running through my head with this one, but I do not think I'll pass those on, 
have the camera ready.
Snapping Turtles, they get huge here, these might drag me in, get the camera ready.
Any kind of creatures with any type of curiosity and my Tushy do not mix.
Nope hanging over the side is not an option.
These are still moments I would love to get pictures of, as long as it's not me.

He did take the kids off to a Sports Museum yesterday, and then to the boat place to "browse"
Needless to say 30,000$ to start, is a little more than I wanted to spend on a Potty.
So I Scrap Booked...and now have an awesome class to come.
Keep an eye out on my events, need to finish the details first.
Need details on my card, Contact Me.

Off to see what he wants to do today!


Toby and Valerie Durham said...

I love to read your real thoughts! You are so funny! I can totally identify with you. Plus, it's super hot here, too. My air went out yesterday at school - it was terrible!
Can't wait to see his creations - mine fully supports my hobby, but doesn't want anything to do with the creating part!

Sandy Hill said...

Love your post. Your cards are great also. Please do post "his" creations. I am a new follower of yours from SC. Please come over and visit my blog at