This sign is quite BIG. The top letters are the Big Shots Serif.
Hope he sees it.
With 5000+ sailors and 10 to 20 thousand proud Wives, Mothers, Fathers...etc.
Thank You Susan for the use of your Cricut, have to get me one of those.
I did not have this post scheduled, but tomorrows is and it continues the Stamp Cave.
Sorry for the interruption...
No I'm not!
Just being the proud Momma I am!

Order Online!
No reason to be sorry about that! It's exciting to see your baby come home safely - no matter how big or small they are! Congratulations!
A proud and very happy mama. Best wishes to you all.
Beryl xx
YaY! Homecomings are always wonderful and great for reducing the whole MoM stress factor no matter the kids age or situation!
Have a wonderful time get reaquainted and no worries...Your sign will be seen no matter the size of the crowd! After all when the heart looks the heart sees!
Hugs and blessings - Jean
Had to thank you for the laugh!
My secret word was keistr as in if I don't get my keistr off this chair I'll never get any housework done! Or more importantly stamping!
Hugs - Jean
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