Monday, December 26, 2011

Homemade sometimes needs some age...

Home made vanilla...yummy. 
These were suppose to be last years X-mas gifts, some were packaged prettily and given, the others, 20 bottles in all still sit waiting to be beautified. Actually the longer they sit the better, receipt...

3 Vanilla Beans to 1/2 cup of your Best Vodka Slice beans open, I recommend you chop in fourths so vodka always covers the beans (exposed to air they will mold) Let sit in dark place 4 to 6 months before use.
I get my Beans from My Spice Sage plus they send you a free sample and their prices were perfect!

Yep after a long long hiatus from blogging. I am coming back to show you crafty stuff.

All crafts blend and mesh nicely. I'm not a "stick to one thing kinda gal". I love to change it up...a lot!
Changes happen everyday, sometimes the best changes start with yourself...
 exposing yourself to "Happy" is a great start.

Prepare Yourselves...and Thank You for sticking around!
Makes me Happy, going to return the Favor!